Freudenberg-NOK ™ is excited to announce the launch of the NEW TransTec® Honda CVT Overhaul Kit. 

49477913 KIT NUMBER


  • Accord 2.4L BC5A, MC4A
  • Civic 1.5L BCGA
  • Civic 1.5L MCKA
  • CR-V 1.5L BRGA (AWD), BRHA (FWD)
  • CR-V 2.4L BLJA (AWD), BLKA (FWD)
  • CR-V 2.4L BRJA (AWD), BRKA (FWD)

The TransTec® overhaul kit includes everything you need for a complete mechanical repair, including all o-rings, metal clad seals, bushings and gaskets.

This kit is in stock and available for immediate shipment. Call your TransTec®  or Freudenberg-NOK customer service representative or contact us to place your order today. 

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