When you're putting your hard-earned money back into your shop, you want to be sure you're getting the best value from your investments. When it comes to buying transmission seals in particular, however, it can be challenging to figure out which kit will not only make for a successful rebuild but also reflect well on your business. How can you tell which overhaul kit is the best?
Today, we're going to help you take the guesswork out of choosing what transmission overhaul kits to use. Here's your guide to evaluating the true quality of any overhaul kit on the market.
Indicators of Overhaul Kit Quality
OE components: The number one indicator of quality for transmission overhaul kits is the inclusion of a high percentage of OE components. OE seals are the exact same parts that are used to build the original unit. Therefore, they serve as the highest quality replacements. You can rest assured that OE seals will fit perfectly in the exact application you're rebuilding, and they're made to the same quality standard that the original warranty was based on.
- Completeness: Never settle for an incomplete overhaul kit. When you're looking over your options, look for a guarantee that the kit contains every single part you need for the rebuild. In some cases, lower-quality kits skip out on parts that the brand couldn't source from the OEM. Other times, brands have difficulty providing parts initially installed by machine in a way that makes it possible for your techs to install. And sometimes, they just plain miss or forget parts they may not have known were even in there. Check out the brand's kit production process online: if it's analyzing what goes into each unit and has the connections to get or make all the seals you need, that's the kit to choose.
- Cost: Rebuilding a transmission should (almost) always cost less than installing a new unit—that much is a given. But the relative cost of the overhaul kit you choose probably depends on the quality you'll find inside. To put it blankly, you get what you pay for with overhaul kits. A quality kit might cost a little more, but it will save you a lot of time and hassle in the long run when you don't end up with a comeback on your hands.
Brand Reputation: You might not realize it, but which brand of overhaul kit you ask for makes a huge difference in not only the quality of the parts inside, but also the quality of the service. When you're looking for an overhaul kit, be sure to research the brands you're considering. How long have they been in business? How much experience do they have? What industry connections have they made, and how do they apply that expertise to their seal production? The more effort and care the brand puts into their kits, the more you can trust that you'll be taken care of as a customer.
Buying a Quality Overhaul Kit
With all of these factors in mind, you can make the best decision when it comes to buying the best quality (and best value) overhaul kit. Your evaluation can be summarized by a few key W's: what's in the kit, where is it coming from, and who is making the pieces inside. Armed with a little research into OE, completeness, cost, and brand, you can make a well-informed purchase decision. Remember: the best aftermarket brands are transparent about their products and processes, so check out their websites and call them up for more specifics. Brands should also use their connections in the industry to offer you the best overhaul kit possible, so you can be sure you're getting the best value for your investment.