You've heard it before: "You get what you pay for." But when you're looking for the transmission overhaul kits you need in your rebuild shop, what does it mean to invest in quality? Often times in the automotive aftermarket, a true quality component or kit will come with a higher price tag than a lower quality option, and you might wonder why. Once you know what quality means for your rebuilds, it's much easier to see why spending a little more on your kits up front actually saves you time and money in the long run.
In this post, we'll explain the main reasons why quality transmission overhaul kits cost more than the budget alternatives and discuss why investing in your kits actually provides a better value for your money.
Why High Quality Overhaul Kits Cost More
They include more true OEM content. In the transmission industry in particular, OE (original equipment) kit content is synonymous with quality. When you're rebuilding a transmission unit using the same exact parts that built the original, you can be confident that those replacement parts can perform for the same length and to the same standard as the original warranty. When you see that an overhaul kit with more OE content costs more than a kit with fewer or no true OE components, you know that you're paying for that quality and that performance, as opposed to lower quality substitution parts. The brands that take the time to source original parts will always be more dependable than providers that fill a kit out with cheaper alternatives.
- The parts are made of innovative performance materials. Higher quality kits also contain parts that are made with equally high quality raw materials that are designed to perform effectively and hold up to wear and tear. Those components won't crack, shrink, or fail when put to the test inside a transmission like components made of cheaper material substitutions will. When you pay a little extra for those innovative materials, you're investing in a kit that will keep your tech's work on the road much longer than the cheaper alternatives.
They're backed by authentic industry expertise. Finally, higher quality kits are developed with the help of a team of experts who know today's transmissions as well as your industry. High quality kits are the result of the knowledgable professionals who contribute to their production at every stage: forecasting and research, sourcing, design, packaging, customer service, and more. The expertise, human and otherwise, that a premium kit provider puts into its development process contribute to the overall performance your overhaul kit can provide. While this kind of in-depth development process requires added resources that lower quality kit producers don't have to factor in, they absolutely translate into a better value in your shop.
The Overhaul Kit Investment That Actually Saves You Money
When you decide to consistently invest in your transmission overhaul kits, you and your team can stand behind your work with confidence. In order to see that value, however, you have to look at your business and your rebuilds in the long term. In the moment, a quality overhaul kit usually costs more up front, and it can be tempting to cut back by purchasing a lower cost and lower quality alternative.
But when you zoom out and look at the lifespan of your rebuild, you'll see fewer comebacks when you can trust the quality of your kit. That means you can save yourself the time and money you'd spend doing the same repair twice because you didn't use the best quality the first time. Additionally, when you invest in your kits, you're also investing in your own peace of mind when you can trust that your kit provider puts together quality kits you can count on every single time.