Years ago, you (and many other technicians) might have been able to look at just about any car on the road and know with a high level of certainty what transmission was inside. And we're not just talking about whether it's an automatic or not; we mean the actual transmission application. Over time, however, as the transmission industry has grown and developed, identifying the transmission inside a vehicle has become a much bigger challenge.
Today, it's harder than ever to know exactly what application is installed in a vehicle without proper research and identification, but it's also more critical than ever to know what application you're working with in your rebuild shop. In this post, we'll go over everything you need to know about identifying transmission applications and why it's so important to get it right.

Identifying the Transmission Application: The Basics
When do I need to identify the exact application?
As soon as possible after you bring in the job. If you're not absolutely certain what application you're working on from the start, you're leaving a lot of room for costly errors that could have been avoided. Knowing the application ensures that you're prepared for the type of service required, ready with the right parts you need for the job, and set up to finish the job on schedule, without delays.
Why does knowing the exact application matter?
Because in order to protect the reputation and productivity of your business, you can't afford for any failures to come back into the shop on warranty. When you know the exact application inside -- not just the closest approximation -- your techs have all the information they need to get the rebuild done right the first time. You'll be able to order the overhaul kit you need to handle every specific of the design of the unit, including any variations or options. Armed with the right knowledge and tools, your techs can be confident in producing a successful rebuild that can hold up for many more miles.
What is a variation?
An application variation or option can be a change or update made to the design or engineering of an application after its initial release onto the market. In many cases, multiple generations of the same application is produced for vehicles made in different years. Additionally, a variation can also account for different features and functions available on the same vehicle. This includes particular designs for 2WD vs 4WD, start-stop capabilities, and more. In any case, variations on the same application require different parts, especially on the sealing level, so it's critical to order the right overhaul kit for the variation you're working on. Otherwise, your kit may be lacking some of the parts designed to fit that unit.
Where can I turn if I don't know what application is inside?
If there's any doubt in your mind about what application you might be working with (especially when it comes to the challenge of servicing late-model or other rare vehicles), you can use TransTec's web application to access the TransTec Online Transmission Application Guide at any time and on any device. This guide was designed as a quick and easy reference; simply input the vehicle's make, model, and year to find out the exact transmission application installed in it. Encourage your team to bookmark the guide on their preferred device and eliminate the guesswork when it comes to identifying transmission applications for good.